Quinn explained why he didn't shake hands with RAMZES666 during ESL One Berlin Major 2023

Reading time: 3 min.

Gaimin Gladiators's mid laner Quinn Quinn Callahan explained why he did not come out to shake hands with Roman RAMZES666 Kushnarev on stage of ESL One Berlin Major 2023. He explained that he didn't want to bother himself with unnecessary trash-talk.

According to Quinn, he did receive an offer from the organizers to come on stage and shake Roman's hand, but he declined it. It wasn't about a negative attitude towards RAMZES666, it was just that he didn't want to be distracted from his main goal which was winning ESL One Berlin Major 2023. According to the player, the professional Dota 2 scene after the retirement of ppd and Kyle is very lacking trash-talk and memes. For this reason, he decided that he would be the person who would generate this content for the public. But game day was an exception.

On game day I'm not doing that cr*p, because I'm focused and I'm here to win. I'm not here to start up a story anymore. This dirty storying up was before, now I'm here to play. I didn't want to go on stage and get in my own head and like…  oh it's a really little bit like I just want to go on and play good DOTA and try to win. If I went on stage and, like you know, I have to come up with some line to flame him or whatever and like there's a roast back and forth, and we like and it's gonna be some funny moment. But I'm not here for funny moments, I'm here to try to win.

Cyberscore previously reported about the problems with paying for coverage of DPC 2023 in South America and the boycott by English-language casters in that region.

Gaimin Gladiators
Gaimin Gladiators
Quinn (Quinn Callahan)
Quinn (Quinn Callahan)
RAMZES666 (Roman Kushnarev)
RAMZES666 (Roman Kushnarev)
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