Korb3n has criticized management of the teams whose players are missing at The Berlin Major 2023 due to visa problems

Reading time: 3 min.

Team Spirit manager Dmitry 'Korb3n' Belov criticized the management of clubs whose players faced visa problems and could not play at The Berlin Major 2023. Dmitry shared his opinion on Telegram.

Korb3n believes that in 9 out of 10 cases, the players did not receive a visa, either due to the poor performance of the management, or due to their own stupidity. All other reasons are insignificant, he thinks.

"Regarding visa issues, if we are talking about this Major, 9 out of 10 players did not receive a visa, either due to poor management work or their stupidity. All other reasons are cool stories," Spirit manager wrote.

Belov also expressed his dissatisfaction with Valve's inaction towards OG. For the last two years, they have not been punished, despite playing with stand-ins at all LAN tournaments, which violates DPC regulations

"It’s unbelievable that OG plays better every time they use stand-ins instead of the main roster. It would be nice if Valve started adhering to their rules this year and penalized teams for substitutions before the tournaments. OG has been doing it for two years in a row, and so far I have not seen them being punished," added Korb3n.

Recall that OG are using two stand-ins at ESL One Berlin Major 2023 and are also missing a coach. Dmitry 'DM' Dorokhin, Evgeny 'Chuvash' Makarov and Mikhail 'Misha' Agatov could not get a visa to Germany. The players were replaced by Nigma Galaxy offlaner Ivan 'Mind_ControL' Borislavov and Old G support Kartik 'Kitrak' Rathi.

Chu (Evgenii Makarov)
Chu (Evgenii Makarov)
DM (Dmitry Dorokhin)
DM (Dmitry Dorokhin)
Misha (Mikhail Agatov)
Misha (Mikhail Agatov)
Kitrak (Kartik Rathi)
Kitrak (Kartik Rathi)
MinD_ContRoL (Ivan Ivanov)
MinD_ContRoL (Ivan Ivanov)
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