Elite League 2024: kev and Nouns left the tournament

Reading time: 4 min.

Chinese team Kev lost the series against Aurora Gaming in the Swiss stage of Elite League 2024, it was the 4th defeat of the team and now it leaves the tournament. Nouns also dropped out today, the team suffered a defeat to Virtus.pro and will also be leaving the tournament.

During their time at Elite League 2024 kev only managed to win one game, it was a series against 9Pandas, who also recently left the tournament. The games against Nouns, PSG.Quest and Aurora Gaming the Chinese team lost dry.

In the decisive match for kev , the opponent was simply stronger. Aurora Gaming confidently took the first map in 36 minutes with a total score of 14-33. On the second map the team only consolidated its superiority, finishing it in 31 minutes and with a networth advantage of 23 thousand.

Kev finished in 20th-22nd place and took home $10,000 from the prize pool. This was the first tournament for the team, they had only participated in qualifiers before, making it to Elite League 2024 was their highest score.

Current kev lineup :

  • Jin flyfly Ji
  • Ni ButterflyEffect Weijie
  • Ren old eLeVeN Yangfeng
  • Ren imitator Chen
  • Lee Undyne_ Kwangcheng

During the tournament, Nouns managed to get only one win: in the match against kev, which ended 2-0. The team went on to lose against OG, PSG.Quest and Virtus.pro.

In the decisive for Nouns series against VP, the first map lasted more than 90 minutes, the teams were engaged in a tug-of-war, and Virtus.pro still came out victorious, ending the game with a networth advantage of almost 60 thousand. On the second map, the already exhausted Nouns quickly lost the game with a total score of 31-19.

Current Nouns lineup :

  • Yuma Yuma Langlet
  • Philippe Bühler
  • Nicholas Gunnar Lopez
  • Rodrigo Lelis Lelis Santos
  • Tal Fly Aizik

Elite League 2024 is an online tournament that will be the first in the Elite League series. The event is organized by Fissure and ESB. The tournament will run from March 31 to April 15, with 24 teams competing for a prize pool of $1 million.

As Cyberscore.live previously reported, the results of the third game day of Elite League 2024 were summarized .

flyfly (Zhiyi Jin)
flyfly (Zhiyi Jin)
ButterflyEffect (Ni Weijjei)
ButterflyEffect (Ni Weijjei)
old eLeVeN (Ren Yangwei)
old eLeVeN (Ren Yangwei)
imitator (Ren Chen)
imitator (Ren Chen)
Undyne_ (Li Qiancheng)
Undyne_ (Li Qiancheng)
Yuma (Yuma Langlet)
Yuma (Yuma Langlet)
Copy (Bühler Philipp)
Copy (Bühler Philipp)
Gunnar (Nicolas Lopez)
Gunnar (Nicolas Lopez)
Lelis (Rodrigo Lelis Santos)
Lelis (Rodrigo Lelis Santos)
Fly (Tal Aizik)
Fly (Tal Aizik)
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