Quinn has spoken out in defense of smurf accounts for professional players

Reading time: 2 min.

Gaimin Gladiators mid player Quinn Quinn Callahan has spoken out in defense of smurf accounts for professional players, as they are used for training and adding new heroes to the pool. Valve banned over 90,000 smurf accounts the other day.

Quinn believes that the lack of smurf accounts could make player training public and that's not right. He cited a comparison to basketball. 

"I think professional players should have smurfs - that's fine. I find the concept of having all of your workouts public strange. It's like if basketball players' workouts were in the public domain and anyone could watch a recording of them."

Callahan also called the cringe of playing for 3,000 MMR in case you have 7,000 MMR:

"Obviously, people who have 7k MMR and play at 3k MMR because they like to be better than others is certainly cringe." 

As Cyberscore previously reported, Quinn spoke negatively about B8 Esports and their abuse of the system in qualifying for The International 12.

Gaimin Gladiators
Gaimin Gladiators
Quinn (Quinn Callahan)
Quinn (Quinn Callahan)
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