Lukawa on BetBoom Team roster: “You won't see the team with the same roster”

Reading time: 3 min.

BetBoom Team roster manager Luca Lukawa Nasuashvili revealed whether changes are planned in the team. The information was published in his Telegram channel.

“The craziest after-party I've ever been to.

First a person says we're fine, and 5 minutes later he says I was kicked, and in some cases it was the whole squad.

It's probably the biggest shuffle in history (or one of them).

Popcorn out there and soak up all the transfer rumors that are out there.

As far as our team is concerned, you won't see the team in the same lineup, it was the last series...”

BetBoom Team roster:

  • Egor Saika Grigorenko
  • Danil gpK~ Skutin
  • Matvey MieRo Vasyunin
  • Vitaly Save- Melnik
  • Alexander TORONTOTOKYO Hertek

Tundra Esports member Roman RAMZES666 Kushnaryov urged the community not to believe the rumors about changes in the rosters of many teams that appeared after the end of The International 2024:

“Reshuffle season has started, there will be a mess there in general, of course, you'll be surprised. Both TI winners and non-TI winners, actually.... It's gonna be interesting. I'm in favor of everything at all, but I will not say anything, and everything that discounts, half of the information - it's a fake. Do not believe all the rumors, but it will be fun. I guarantee it"

The International 2024 took place September 4-15 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The championship featured 16 teams. The prize pool of the event amounted to more than $2 million.

As CyberScore reported earlier, Team Liquid became the champion of The International 2024.

BetBoom Team
BetBoom Team
Tundra Esports
Tundra Esports
Lukawa (Luka Nasuashvili)
Lukawa (Luka Nasuashvili)
Saika (Egor Grigorenko)
Saika (Egor Grigorenko)
gpk~ (Danil Skutin)
gpk~ (Danil Skutin)
MieRo` (Matvey Vasyunin)
MieRo` (Matvey Vasyunin)
Save- (Vitalie Melnic)
Save- (Vitalie Melnic)
TORONTOTOKYO (Alexander Khertek)
TORONTOTOKYO (Alexander Khertek)
RAMZES666 (Roman Kushnarev)
RAMZES666 (Roman Kushnarev)
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