Quest Esports: «ATF's conditions didn't match our team values»


Quest Esports released a statement, explaining the reasons behind ATF's exit from the team. According to it, the player set some unacceptable conditions and the organization was forced to part ways with him.

«All parties agreed to a contract with ATF's loan ending after the Bali Major, including a planned buyout. We've stuck to this contract fully»

After placing 4th at the Bali Major, Ammar refused to sign the previously agreed contract and wanted to renegotiate some of the conditions. His terms were unacceptable to the club.

«After our great results at the Bali Major, it was disappointing when the others wanted to renegotiate the contract terms, a few days before the Riyadh Masters. This is against our values, we had to say no.

ATF asked for new terms after the Bali Major and wanted his loan to continue until after The International 2023. His condition to commit fully only if he participated in TI didn't match our team's values»

Quest has also stated that they will soon introduce a new player to replace ATF in the squad. The team will play at the Riyadh Masters 2023 with NAVI's Abdimalik Malik Sailau as a stand-in. You can read about all the details of ATF's exit from Quest Esports here.

PSG Quest
PSG Quest
ATF (Ammar Al-Assaf)
ATF (Ammar Al-Assaf)
Malik (Abdimalik Sailau)
Malik (Abdimalik Sailau)
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