Ninja Penguins qualify for BetBoom Dacha Dubai 2024 closed qualification

Reading time: 3 min.

Ninja Penguins have qualified for BetBoom Dacha Dubai 2024 after defeating MarsBet Team 2-1 in the final of the Open Qualifier in the Western Europe region.

The Ninja Penguins defeated Timebomb and KZ Team on their way to the final. In the match against MarsBet Team, the final map that resulted in Ninja Penguins advancing to the closed qualifiers lasted over 70 minutes.

Ninja Penguins lineup:

  • Tamas lowskill Kaszas
  • Philipp Copy Bühler
  • Viktor Fayde Zuev
  • Yuri Merlin Belkin
  • Milan MiLAN Kozomara

MarsBet Team made it through the tournament grid by defeating Chipki and Level UP. In the final it had a huge advantage on the first map, but made a lot of mistakes on the second, and the third map, which went into hyperlate, put an end to the confrontation.

MarsBet Team lineup:

  • Irakli W1sh- Peranidze
  • Dmitry Lucas Davidov
  • Levent Mr.Luck Sozbir
  • Danil Bignum Shekhovtsov
  • Nikola LeBronDota Popovic

Ninja Penguins has received a pass to the closed qualification matches where they will face OG, Tundra Esports, Entity Gaming, Team Tickles, Team Secret and one other team that will also qualify through open qualification. The closed qualification matches in the Western Europe region will kick off on January 11.

BetBoom Dacha Dubai 2024 is a LAN tournament that will be held in Dubai from February 4-15. Team Spirit, Gaimin Gladiators, BetBoom Team, LGD Gaming, Aurora Gaming and Xtreme Gaming have received direct invites to the tournament, 6 more teams will get to the tournament based on the results of closed qualification. 12 teams will compete for a prize pool of 1 million dollars.

As previously reported, SIBE Team and Yellow Submarine qualified for BetBoom Dacha Dubai 2024.

MarsBet Team
MarsBet Team
Ninja Penguins
Ninja Penguins
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