Nine: "I am very happy to have Aui_2000 and Saksa as my coaches"


Support Tundra Esports Leon Nine Kirilin has detailed the change of positions from mid to semi-support before The International 12. He noted that the team tried to find a support to replace Martin Saksa Sazdov, but there were no options. At the same time, Topias Topson Taavitsainen was the most obvious one for them in the middle. 

Nine cited a major change in mindset after the role change. In team fights, you have to take more care of your bark, rather than killing enemies like before. 

"The biggest change in mindset is that now I'm in a support role. I used to play to kill enemies, but now I'm focused on helping my kora. Team fights have changed a lot for me because you have to look at my corses a lot, not just the enemies and how I can kill them. There's also a lot less focus on the supports, which took me a while to get used to - I adapted very quickly in that respect."

Nine also mentioned the support from Curtis Aui_2000 Ling and Saksa with the transition to foursomes:

"I'm very lucky that Saksa and Aui, two of the best semi support in Dota 2 history are my coaches. They teach me a lot of things. When I feel lost, they help me understand my role in the game. I need to learn a new role quickly, so I'm happy for any help."

The International 12 kicks off on October 12, where Tundra Esports is one of the favorites. How the pressure of a major championship will affect Nine in the role of a sapporter - we'll find out soon enough.

As Cyberscore reported earlier, Alexey Solo Berezin from 9 Pandas praised Tundra Esports with Topson and Nine in particular.

Tundra Esports
Tundra Esports
Aui_2000 (Kurtis Ling)
Aui_2000 (Kurtis Ling)
Nine (Leon Kirilin)
Nine (Leon Kirilin)
Saksa (Martin Sazdov)
Saksa (Martin Sazdov)
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