MeTTpuM has left Entity


Entity part ways with the coach of the team - Daniil MeTTpuM Gilev. This became known from the social networks of the organization.

About the reasons for changes in the lineup the organization did not report. It is also unknown who will be the coach of the team instead of MeTTpuM.

Daniil joined Entity in November 2021. During this time, under his leadership, the team won 1win Series Dota 2 Spring and Dota 2 Champions League Season 8, as well as qualified for many Tier-1 events, where Entity showed decent results, but it failed to win a major event.

Entity roster:

  • Alimzhan watson Islambekov;
  • Vladimir No[o]ne Minenko;
  • Dmitry DM Dorokhin;
  • Vladislav Kataomi Semyonov;
  • Dmitry Fishman" Polishchuk.

As CyberScore reported earlier, BetBoom Team was left without a coach for PGL Wallachia Season 1.

Entity Gaming
Entity Gaming
MeTTpuM (Daniil Gilev)
MeTTpuM (Daniil Gilev)
watson (Alimzhan Islambekov)
watson (Alimzhan Islambekov)
DM (Dmitry Dorokhin)
DM (Dmitry Dorokhin)
Kataomi` (Vladislav Semenov)
Kataomi` (Vladislav Semenov)
No[o]ne- (Volodymyr Minenko)
No[o]ne- (Volodymyr Minenko)
Fishman (Dzmitry Palishchuk)
Fishman (Dzmitry Palishchuk)
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