NS shared an inside that DPC leagues may be canceled next season

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Community-caster Yaroslav NS Kuznetsov shared an inside information about the possible absence of DPC-leagues next season. This information was also confirmed by 9 Pandas' kerry Roman RAMZES666 Kushnarev. 

NS notes that this is a rumor, but this information is popular in the community;

"There is an inside, absolutely unclear where it came from, that next season there will be no DPC, but will be again a system just with a bunch of commercial tournaments. It's some rumor that someone keeps telling - different people. I'm standing somewhere and just someone says: "Yes, there will be no DPC". It goes in one ear, out the other. And then from the other side someone says: "Listen, I heard that there will be no DPC".

This information was indirectly confirmed by RAMZES666:

"I don't know if I can talk about it or not, to be honest. I heard that there will be no DPC leagues."

Valve has not made any official announcements regarding the future Dota Pro Circuit system. The usual leagues were held this season, where slots for Major events were awarded. 

As Cyberscore reported earlier, Dota 2 has released patch 7.34c.

NS (Yaroslav Kuznetsov)
NS (Yaroslav Kuznetsov)
RAMZES666 (Roman Kushnarev)
RAMZES666 (Roman Kushnarev)
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