PSG Quest without a coach - Daxak commented on the situation


Nikita Daxak Kuzmin has left the position of coach in PSG Quest, the team is now in search of a new person for this role. Daxak notes that he didn't even plan to fly to the bootcamp, and the players were all unmotivated and didn't want to play with each other. 

PSG Quest advanced to the grand finals of the qualifiers for DreamLeague Season 22, where they will play Team Falcons again. At the qualifiers for BB Dacha Dubai 2024, Falcons was stronger and managed to win with a score of 3:2.

Daxak on players' attitudes towards the training process and conflicts in PSG Quest a week before the start of qualifications:

"I quit/I got kicked out of org. In fact, even on the bootcamp should not have gone because people on the po*** played and did not work but I motivated and persuaded them to start working gave their word that will be ***** and so on and in the end it was not (this is not to mention that a week before the quals persuaded two players to play until the end and then split up if you hate each other so much )."

Daxak also talked about his future and what he was doing:

"Everything I did was aimed at the result of the team not to mention how much knowledge emotion and effort I gave in the conditions I had. Even my last actions were just to try to improve the situation, even though I could have just sat there doing the usual impact and watched everything fall apart. I won't let my reputation (and I know it's fucked up) be ruined even more after everything I've done.

About my future is unclear because the results and reputation in the shit = no one will even let me show myself, but I'm still ready to any normal team to prove in just a couple hours that I can and know (if such a chance will not be given, I will go just pubs fuck and hope that I will be lucky at least once in my career)".

As Cyberscore previously reported, PSG Quest announced in December 2023 that Abdimalik Malik Silau is now under contract with the organization and is no longer a loan player.

PSG Quest
PSG Quest
Team Falcons
Team Falcons
Daxak (Nikita Kuzmin)
Daxak (Nikita Kuzmin)
Malik (Abdimalik Sailau)
Malik (Abdimalik Sailau)
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