Yatoro achieves 81% win rate on Juggernaut in patch 7.33


Team Spirit's carry Illya Yatoro Mulyarchuk continues to be active in public games, preparing for the DPC 2023 Summer tour for Eastern Europe. He showed a hero on which he manages to achieve an incredible win rate.

At the time of writing, Yatoro has an 81.40% win rate in 43 matches on Juggernaut played during last month.

Yatoro most often buys Battle Fury, Butterfly, and Sange And Yasha on Juggernaut. Interestingly enough, this hero doesn't appear often in the DPC 2023 Tour 3.

Earlier, another Spirit player, Collapse, shared his opinion on the best heroes of patch 7.33.

Team Spirit
Team Spirit
Raddan (Illya Mulyarchuk)
Raddan (Illya Mulyarchuk)
Collapse (Magomed Khalilov)
Collapse (Magomed Khalilov)
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