There will be no ads at The International 2024 - Valve

Reading time: 3 min.

Valve has released a statement announcing that this year at The International 2024, the organizers will not include in-game advertisements and sponsorship elements. This change will also affect player nicknames and logos on in-game bases.

Over the years, we've built a number of features into Dota to help celebrate these teams and players; unfortunately during that time we've seen those features increasingly being used not to showcase team or player identity, but rather to host advertisements. This year, to remove distracting elements and allow full focus on the game and the people playing it, we aren't going to have advertisements and sponsorships in-game at The International, including in team banners, base logos, and tags in player names.

Caster Vladimir Maelstorm Kuzminov commented on the innovation. The commentator noted that TI organizers would lose money, but it seems that PGL is willing to go for it, Vladimir concluded.

Cutting off such advertising at tournaments is, of course, counterproductive. I remember when, on the contrary, such things were introduced in Warcraft maps. This hinders tournament operators from earning money.

HOWEVER! If you are your own operator, and a developer, and you pay for everything yourself, then why not?

The International 2024 will take place from September 4 to 15 in the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen. 16 teams will participate in the championship. The starting prize pool of the tournament is $1,600,000.

As previously reported by, Nix criticized the organization of The International 2024.

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