Qualifiers for The International 2023: the organizers held a playoff bracket draw


The organizers of the qualifiers for The International 12 have published the results of the playoff draws in all six regions. As a reminder, only South America and Western Europe will get two slots each, while the rest of the teams will compete for only one slot per region.

Schedule of The International 12 qualifiers is as follows:

  • August 17 to 21 for teams from China and North America;
  • August 22-26 for teams from South America and Eastern Europe;
  • August 27-31 for teams from Southeast Asia and Western Europe.

Playoff Bracket for teams from Eastern Europe:

Playoff Bracket for teams from Western Europe:

Playoff Bracket for teams from China:

Playoff Bracket for teams from Southeast Asia:

Playoff Bracket for teams from North America:

Playoff Bracket for teams from South America:

As Cyberscore previously reported, Valve will change the Battle Pass concept for The International 12.

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