Nisha - the player with the highest KDA, and other stats from DreamLeague Season 23 qualification

Reading time: 5 min.

On the night of March 25th the regional qualifiers for DreamLeague Season 23 ended. We have collected statistics on players and heroes at these qualifiers, the data is taken from DOTABUFF.

Picks and Bans

The most popular hero at the qualifiers was Crystal Maiden, she was picked 196 times, and at the same time her winrate was 55.61%. Next is Rubick, he was picked 161 times, and his win rate reached 47.83%. Tiny has been selected 160 times less, and it is interesting that he has been banned almost as many times, 161 times, but he is not even in the top ten most blocked heroes. Another hero that has been banned more than picked is Centaur Warruner, he was picked 140 times and blocked 184, his winrate was 49.29%. And closing the top five is Techies, he is very well-liked by the players of the fourth and fifth positions, he was picked 129 times, and his winrate reached 42.64%. Interestingly, all 124 heroes participated in the tournament, and no one was ignored.

The most "hated" hero for players was Timbersaw, during the qualifiers he was banned 369 times, but he was played only 83 times, and even so his winrate was 46.99%. Next on the list is Dragon Knight, he was blocked 354 times, but in this case the reasons for the bans are clear, because for 86 games played on him, 67.44% of games were won. The third position in the top of the most blocked heroes is occupied by Chen, he was banned 288 times, but he was chosen only 42 times. Next is another Support, Shadow Demon, who was blocked 241 times, and his win percentage was 53.06%. Fifth on the list is Batrider, this Support has been banned 240 times, 121 games have been played on him, and his win rate is 53.72%.


Among the players notable Midlaner Team Liquid Michal Nisha Jankowski, he became the leader in average KDA, it reached some unthinkable value of 40.5. In general, the whole Liquid squad showed itself perfectly, because the next three positions in the list are also occupied by Liquid players: Neta 33 Shapira, Samuel Boxi Svan and Mike m1CKe Wu. The average KDA of the players amounted to no less than 10.

We can also highlight Artyom Yuragi Golubev, for this player qualification was the debut in the Natus Vincere squad. Over the three series, Artyom's average KDA was 11.25 and average kills were 8.33. NaVi managed to qualify for the main event, which will be the first tier-1 event for the team since 2022.

DreamLeague Season 23 is another DreamLeague tournament that will take place from May 20-26 in an online format. 12 teams will participate in the event, they will draw a prize pool of 1 million dollars.

As previously reported, all participants of DreamLeague Season 23 became known.

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