The Bali Major 2023: what are the most effective heroes of the tournament

Reading time: 4 min.

The Bali Major 2023, the last Major of the current DPC season, is over, so our team decided to form a ranking of the most and least effective heroes depending on their winrate during the tournament. In this article we take into account the characters who were picked in at least 25-30 games to make the rankings more objective.

The best hero in terms of winrate was Clockwerk with a 69.44% win rate for 36 picks. Teams also actively chose Medusa, Broodmother, Doom and Enigma, and these characters also won quite often (in more than 58% of games).

The best characters in terms of win rate for 30 or more maps:

  • 1st place: Clockwerk - 69.44% for 36 maps
  • 2nd place: Broodmother - 61.82% for 55 maps
  • 3rd place Enigma - 61.76% for 34 maps
  • 4th place: Medusa - 58,82% for 51 maps
  • 5th place: Doom - 58.70% for 46 maps
  • 6th place: Batrider - 56.52% for 46 maps
  • 7th place: Silencer - 55.26% for 38 maps
  • 8th place: Bloodseeker - 54.84% for 31 maps
  • 9th place: Pugna - 53.73% for 67 maps
  • 10th place: Mars - 51.52% for 33 maps

In addition to the most effective heroes, we analyzed the characters who often lost at The Bali Major 2023. Snapfire (34.88% in 43 games) was the weakest of all, as she was sent from the support position to the mid lane. This heroine is followed by Terrorblade, Tidehunter, Beastmaster and others.

Worst heroes by win rate for 25 or more maps:

  • 1st place: Snapfire - 34.88% for 43 maps
  • 2nd place: Terrorblade - 37.04% for 27 maps
  • 3rd place: Tidehunter - 38.46% for 39 maps
  • 4th place: Disruptor - 38.46% for 26 maps
  • 5th place: Spirit Breaker - 39.13% for 46 maps
  • 6th place: Beastmaster - 39.39% for 33 maps
  • 7th place: Enchantress - 45.45% for 55 maps
  • 8th place: Shadow Demon - 45.95% for 37 maps
  • 9th place: Pangolier - 46.67% for 30 maps
  • 10th place: Techies - 46.99% for 83 maps

As Cyberscore previously reported, Morphling and Timbersaw were the most sought-after heroes of the first days of The Bali Major 2023.

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