Dota 2 has released patch 7.34c: Warlock, Gyrocopter and a number of neutral items have been weakened

Dota 2 Updates
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Valve has released patch 7.34c, where it has weakened Solar Crest, a number of neutral items: Arcane Ring, Occult Bracelet, Spark of Courage and Vambrace. Warlock, Invoker, Gyrocopter, Earthshaker and other heroes also received significant changes.

Item Changes:

Solar Crest:

  • Shine Movement Speed Change decreased from 18% to 15%.

Arcane Ring (neutral item):

  • Intelligence bonus decreased from +8 to +7.

Occult Bracelet (neutral item):

  • Rites of Eloshar Stack Duration decreased from 10s to 5s.

Spark of Courage (neutral item):

  • Courage Damage bonus decreased from +18 to +16.

Vambrace (neutral item):

  • Other Attributes bonus decreased from +4 to +2.

Basic Hero changes:


  1. Mana Cost increased from 35/40/45/50 to 45/50/55/60.


  1. Level 10 Talent Base Damage decreased from +40 to +30;
  2. Level 15 Talent +50% Enchant Totem Damage replaced with +200 Fissure Range;
  3. Level 20 Talent +300 Fissure Range replaced with +50% Enchant Totem Damage.


  1. Agility gain decreased from 3.3 to 3.1
  1. Stun Duration decreased from 1.55/1.9/2.25/2.6s to 1.3/1.7/2.1/2.5s
  1. Cooldown increased from 18s to 26/24/22/20s
  1. Level 10 Talent Health decreased from +200 to +175
  2. Level 15 Talent +3 Flak Cannon Attacks replaced with +25 Flak Cannon Damage
  3. Level 20 Talent +40 Flak Cannon Damage replaced with +3 Flak Cannon Attacks
  4. Level 25 Talent Flak Cannon Cooldown Reduction decreased from 6s to 5s


  1. Base Health Regen decreased from 1.5 to 1
  1. Move Speed per instance decreased from 0.8% per level to 0.6% per level
  1. Base Damage decreased from 70 to 50
  1. Aghanim's Shard Pull Linger Duration decreased from 0.5s to 0s;
  2. Aghanim's Shard Pull will no longer affect units that become debuff immune after the E.M.P. has been created.

As Cybecore previously reported, Valve has extended the Dota 2 10-th Anniversary celebration.

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