Valve released a new hero in Dota 2 – Ringmaster

Dota 2 Updates
Reading time: 6 min.

On the night of August 23, Valve released a new update for Dota 2, introducing a new hero – Ringmaster. The character is already available in the main client of the game. In addition, the developers have released a themed comic. By the way, the Puppet Master teaser was presented a year ago during The International 2023 grand final.

All the battlefield's a stage, and Ringmaster is a gleeful director indeed. Controlling fights with a showman's flare, Ringmaster tames enemies with his fearsome whip and endless knives, ushers allies away from danger with his cunning escape act, and always draws a crowd to unwillingly witness the wonders of his mesmerizing wheel.

Ring Master abilities:

Tame the Beasts

CHANNELED - Ringmaster twirls his whip for up to 1 second then cracks it. Whipped enemies are damaged and flee in fear from Ringmaster. Channel time exponentially increases damage and extends the fear duration, but reduces the radius.

Escape Act

Ringmaster packs himself or an allied hero into a mobile, extradimensional box. Boxed units gain phased movement, slow resistance, bonus magic resistance, and bonus movement speed. They are also untargetable, muted, silenced, and disarmed. The box will pop open after the effect expires or it moves more than 500 units away.

Impalement Arts

Ringmaster throws one of his daggers to a precise point of his choosing. If he strikes an enemy, the dagger deals impact damage, briefly slows the unit hit, and causes them to bleed. The bleeding deals a percentage of the victim's maximum health in damage every second to heroes and flat damage per second to creeps.

Wheel of Wonder

Ringmaster rolls the Wheel of Wonder to the targeted location, knocking aside enemies along the way. After it reaches its target, enemies in range of the wheel take damage over time and are slowed by -50%. Enemy heroes who face the wheel for more than 0,5 seconds are mesmerized and drawn towards it. The first enemy to be mesmerized triggers a timer for the wheel to explode. If the timer is not triggered, it will automatically explode after 8 seconds.

Dark Carnival Barker (Innate Ability)

Ringmaster receives a random single-use Dark Carnival Souvenir whenever an enemy hero dies within 925 units of him. Additional Souvenirs are held as charges. If Ringmaster does not have a Souvenir when he respawns he will be granted one.

  • Funhouse Mirror

Use: Proportion Distortion

Creates 1 imperfect image of your hero that lasts 18 seconds. Your illusion deals 28% and takes  300% damage.

  • Strongman Tonic

Use: Forcefully Imbibe

Temporarily increases an allied hero's Strength by 5 plus 1,5 per Ringmaster's level for 8 seconds. The effect holds for 4 seconds and then deteriorates over the duration.

  • Whoopee Cushion

Use: Whoopsie

Propels your hero forward 400 units. Leaves a 200 radius stink cloud behind for 3 seconds that slows enemies by -30%.

Center Stage (Facet)

Ringmaster is still new to the spotlight. This facet doesn't do anything... yet.

Spotlight (Shard Grants New Ability)

Ringmaster shines a spotlight that sweeps over an area. Enemies in the light have a chance to miss their attacks and are revealed if invisible. Illusions hit by the beam fade away, losing a percentage of their maximum health each second.

Earlier, reported that patch 7.37b has been released in Dota 2.

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