A possible concept of the Battle Pass for The International 12 has surfaced


Dataminers published screenshots of a possible replacement for the Battle Pass for The International 12. Based on them, we can understand that Valve will not move away from rolls and will add them for achieving each of the levels.

As a reminder, Valve intends to add content throughout the year and that's why it has abandoned the old Battle Pass concept. What it will be like this year is still completely unknown, but apparently the system with "rolls" will be preserved, as it was with candy during Halloween. 

List of possible awards at each tier:

  • 1 Tier - Emblems;
  • 2 Tier - Arcana and Persona;.
  • 3 Tier - Landscape, Courier, Towers, Creeps, Commentator, Music;
  • 4 Tier - Immortal items;
  • 5 Tier - Taunts;
  • 6 Tier - Chat Wheel Phrases;
  • 7 Tier - Graffiti;
  • 8 Tier - Effect Aghani's Scepter, Shivas Guard, Eul's Scepter of Divinity.
  • 9 Tier - Expendable.

As Cyberscore reported earlier, Valve has banned more than 90 thousand smurf accounts.

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