Two Roshans spawn in a DPC 2021/22 game because of the unknown bug


The Dota Pro Circuit 2021/22 Tour 3 match between EHOME and Aster.Aries has been temporarily suspended due to an in-game bug. During the second map two Roshans unexpectedly appeared on the battlefield at once.

After the match resumed, only one of them dropped Aegis. At the same time, for killing each of the Roshans, the team received experience and gold. The match itself ended with a score of 2:1 in favor of Aster.Aries.

It should be noted that at the beginning of the third season, EHOME and Aries already tried to play each other, but then the match was interrupted during the second map due to another bug: eSportsmen from both teams were kicked the server one by one, and then for some reason a sixth character appeared on the side of EHOME instead of the regulated five.

Royals Never Give Up, Team Aster and Xtreme Gaming lead the Summer DPC League for China with 4 wins each. The main hegemons of the region – PSG.LGD – have already secured a direct invite to The International 2022 and, apparently, have partially lost motivation, which is why they have two wins and three losses in the table.

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