Dubai government to start issuing multi-year "gaming visas"

World of stars
Reading time: 2 min.

Dubai authorities announced the launch of the Dubai Program For Gaming 2033 initiative for creators and innovators in the field of digital content and technology. The information was published on the official website.

By 2033, the program plans to create 30,000 new jobs in the gaming industry and attract $1 billion to the emirate's economy.

The goal of the Dubai Gaming Visa program is to bring Dubai into the top ten cities in the world in terms of gaming industry development. "Gaming" visas will be granted for 10 years to talented applicants (including companies and creative teams) with experience in the industry.

Applicants will also be offered access to projects and investment to realize ideas and concepts in Dubai. The initiative will attract people with innovative ideas to the emirate, as well as new and established companies specializing in the development and production of content, gaming applications and artificial intelligence.

Gaming visa candidates can apply on the Dubai Culture Authority website or on the official website of the Dubai Gaming Visa initiative itself.

As CyberScore previously reported, Dota 2 is the most difficult online game according to ChatGPT.

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