Meepo with 53% winrate and a player with an average KDA of 10 - stats on qualifying for ESL One Birmingham 2024

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Last night the qualifiers for LAN ESL One Birmingham 2024 came to an end. While we are waiting for the main part of the tournament, which will be held in April this year, we offer to familiarize ourselves with interesting statistics collected from the qualification matches. All data is provided by DotaBuff.

Picks and Bans

The situation with the drafts at the tournament was quite interesting. For example, the relative popularity of such heroes as Meepo and Techies was an unexpected result. Techies was played 146 times, making it the sixth most popular hero in qualification, and his winrate was 48.63%. Meepo was played less, 42 times, but his winrate reached 52.38%, and he ranked 12th in the list of the most frequently blocked characters.

The most popular character at the tournament was Vengeful Spirit, who was picked 239 times and had a winrate of 46.44%. And the most neglected hero was Leshrac. At the time of patch 7.35, Leshrac was incredibly strong, but he was never picked at qualification, and he was even banned only twice.

The most successful heroes in terms of winrate were Chen, Doom, and Enchantress. Chen was picked 49 times and his win rate was 73.47%, while he was banned 303 times more often. Doom was picked 71 times and his win rate was 69%. Doom became the most blocked hero at the tournament, he was banned 434 times. Enchantress had a balanced ratio of bans and peaks: she was picked 112 times and banned 132 times. Her winrate was 67.86%.


The player with the highest average KDA was Shopify Rebellion's Carry Artur Arteezy Babaev with a KDA of 10.6, followed by G2.IG's Core player Du Monet Peng with an average KDA of 8.38, and Heroic's Midlaner João Gabriel 4nalog Giannini rounded out the top 3 with a KDA of 8.35.

The most successful farmer at the qualification was the Carry of NaVi Junior lineup Taras gotthejuice Linnikov. His average creepstat amounted to 810 creeps, and GPM reached the value of 814. In general, NaVi Junior team distinguished themselves at this tournament. Offlaner of the squad, Yuri pma Proc, took the first place in kills, he averaged 12 kills per match. And the team's supports, Stanislav Riddys Mitroshkin and Tamir daze Tokpanov, took the top two spots in assists, with values of 23 and 21.

ESL One Birmingham 2024 is a LAN tournament that will be held in the British city of Birmingham from April 22 to 28. 12 teams will take part in the event. Gaimin Gladiators, BetBoom Team, Xtreme Gaming and Team Liquid have received direct invitations. The remaining 8 participants will be determined by the results of closed qualifiers. The tournament's prize fund is $1 million and 26 640 EPT rating points.

As previously reported, all participants of ESL One Birmingham 2024 became known.

Arteezy (Artour Babaev)
Arteezy (Artour Babaev)
Monet (Du Peng)
Monet (Du Peng)
4nalog <01 (João Gabriel Giannini)
4nalog <01 (João Gabriel Giannini)
gotthejuice (Taras Linnikov)
gotthejuice (Taras Linnikov)
pma (Iuriy Proc)
pma (Iuriy Proc)
daze (Tamir Tokpanov)
daze (Tamir Tokpanov)
Riddys (Stanislav Mitroshkin)
Riddys (Stanislav Mitroshkin)
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