American Dota 2 player offered 322 to his opponent in an attempt to earn food


Stratyk Gaming mid laner asked an opponent from 5RatForceStaff to throw a match between the teams in the Dota Pro Circuit 2021/22 Division 2. The player with a nickname AlienManaBanana explained that he did not have money to order food.

A screenshot of the correspondence between the players was posted on the jubeidota2 Twitter page. According to the American mid laner, he «fights for his life» during the games of DPC 2021/22 Spring Tour for North America.

“You guys better meme in our game, since it doesn’t matter to you. I couldn’t even order two entrees one side at Panda Express, I’m sick of doing 1 entree 1 side. The fact is, I’m getting zero dollars, so I can’t afford food. I don’t what I am going to do. I can’t commit to a job because of this (Dota 2) and school. On Friday (April 15) I will be literally battling for my life against 5ManMidas,» wrote the player.

It has to be noted that Stratyk Gaming lost to 5ManMidas and continues to sit in last place in the DPC 2021/22 Spring Tour for North America. If the team manages to get to the sixth position in the group, it will earn $7,000.

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