9Class told how he joined Tundra Esports and about the history of his nickname


Tundra Esports Support Edgar 9Class Naltakian gave an interview to caster Alexey STORM Tumanov. In it he answered how he came up with his nickname, how he treats bans smurf-accounts of professional players, as well as how he got into Tundra Esports.

9Class told the story of his nickname:

When I was in 9th grade, I had a rank of 50. I put this nickname to get noticed.

Edgar also answered the eternal question of how important rank is to play in competitive, a player who has already shown a lot and has results. For example Mind_ContRol.

It is important, because the results could reach 10 years ago, Mind_ContRol just does not feel that he is in the zone and therefore plays a lot, when the rank is 100, maybe he will not play so much.

9Class shared how he feels about the bans of smurf accounts of professional players. His opinion was similar to other players, such as Team Falcons Carry Oliver skiter Lepko and Gaimin Gladiators Midlaner Quinn Quinn Callahan. You can read about their thoughts in our material.

Normal, because I don't have smurfs when I play smurfs against me. Basically glad they blocked it. Another problem, when everyone from the smurfs sat games for 10 minutes looking for. And now 3-4 minutes.

The player also told how he ended up in Tundra Esports and why he refused the invitation to Nigma Galaxy.

After the Pinnacle Cup, Topson added me as a friend and invited me to Tundra. There were other offers, but I chose Tundra. Then I talked to Mind_ContRol, he also came to us. Then Pure left BB, the scout wrote to him right away, we got him. I don't know if I would have played with Timado in this lineup. This option was also discussed. I was called to Nigma to play with Miracle, but I refused because Kuroky doesn't play Dota very well.

9Class joined Tundra Esports in January this year. With it, it participated in the qualifications for BetBoom Dacha Dubai 2024, DreamLeague Season 22 and ESL One Birmingham 2024 tournaments. The team managed to qualify for DreamLeague and LAN in Birmingham, at the qualification for BB Dacha the squad took 2nd place and did not qualify for the main part of the tournament. ESL One Birmingham 2024, which will be held from April 22 to 28, will be the first LAN tournament in the player's career.

As Cyberscore.live reported earlier, tOfu told about the best teammate, the main dream and the happiest moment of his life.

Tundra Esports
Tundra Esports
9Class (Edgar Naltakyan)
9Class (Edgar Naltakyan)
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