Dota 2 updates

Technical questions

Updates in Dota 2 are released quite often, namely once every 2 weeks. Minor updates are usually bug fixes or the addition of new treasures and tournament tickets. The most important and discussed are, of course, the hero balance patches.

Such patches come out about once every 3-4 months and form their own «meta». In other words, the fashion for some heroes, which in the end more often bring victory. Perhaps, Dota 2 Reborn can be safely considered the largest and most ambitious update in the last few years. It was announced on June 13, 2015, and released to the main client on September 9 of the same year. It changed the game client, replaced the engine with a more technically advanced one, and added many additional features to the interface.

Since Dota 2 is launched through Steam, updates are only carried out through this gaming platform. This usually happens automatically when you log into Steam. Without installing them, the game cannot be launched. If the process did not start automatically for some reason, then the update can be started manually. To do this, you need to go to your Steam game library, find Dota 2 there and simply select the “Update” item by calling the context menu of the right mouse button on the game name. If the update still does not start, then you can try the following solutions:

  1. Go to the root folder of the game, find the bin folder, delete it. Check your cache.
  2. You can use the help of third-party programs to clean your computer. Steam Cleaner will do. It will clean the registry and blobs where the Steam cache is located, which may have been corrupted.
  3. Do the following sequence:
    • Disable Steam Cloud;
    • Remove cfg from folder 570 (\Steam\userdata\570\remote\cfg);
    • Remove all files with CFG extension from cfg folder (\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\cfg);
    • Enable Steam Cloud.
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