Lina counter picks: who to choose against this hero in Dota 2

Counter picks
Reading time: 4 min.

The fiery red-haired beast Lina killed more than one hundred characters in Dota 2. The history of the game says that her abilities were transferred through a dragon’s kiss, so it’s not a coincidence that one of her skills has a scorching effect.

Lina characteristics

This heroine is used in long-range combat, in the mid. She can be a support, nuker, mid and ganker. The main thing is to buy artifacts in time and use them to help Lina reach full potential.

Lina has the following skills:

  • Dragon Slave is an ability which is important throughout the game. Lina releases flames like a dragon, destroying enemies in its path. In the mid and late game, this skill helps to kill a lot of enemy jungle creeps.
  • Light Strike Array. A column of flames summoned by Lina deals magic damage to enemies and stuns them.
  • Fiery Soul is a passive skill. The better Lina hits the enemy, the faster she can move and attack. Fiery Soul effects can accumulate and last for 15 seconds.
  • Flamecloak. This ability allows you to move without obstacles, improves magic resistance, increases spell damage.
  • Laguna Blade. Makes Lina crush enemies with lightning.

Despite such a powerful arsenal of skills, Lina has a big disadvantage – a small amount of health. In addition, the heroine moves relatively slowly, and she also consumes a lot of mana when using Laguna Blade.

To enhance the character’s abilities, you can buy items such as Eul, Kaya, Aghanim’s Scepter, Shard, Boots of Travel and other ones.

Who is countered by Lina

Thanks to the skills of Dragon Slave, Light Strike Array, you can kill illusionists – characters that summon creatures, as well as weak slow-running heroes.

Lina easily copes with Meepo, Naga Siren, Enchantress, Chen, Shadow Demon, Huskar.

Who counters Lina

Despite the character’s many advantages, she can be defeated. Lina is afraid of silence, tanks who are hard to kill with one sequential cast of abilities. Lina’s main counter picks are:

  • Spirit Breaker;
  • Sven;
  • Ursa;
  • Abbadon;
  • Mars;
  • Storm Spirit;
  • Doom.

On the mid lane you need to press this enemy, on the lanes you have to force Lina out. In addition, it is important not to let Lina collect artifacts, otherwise she will become literally invincible.

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